Art of Awakening: The Buddha
Join us this Tuesday for the Art of Awakening
[] series, featuring Buddhist art,
symbolism and
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Art of Awakening Series.
Join us for a 12 weeks series on Buddhist art, symbolism and conversations
around the relevance of art in Dharma
Accompaniment is a core part of our work together.
This journey that you are on is a shared journey. There
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Imminent revelation.
There are moments that are always presenting themselves, moments to lend a hand,
moments to share a kind word, moments
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
When you are driving, you pick up on all kinds of signs informing you of what
you should be doing
The opposite of awareness.
Dzogchen takes awareness (Tib: rigpa) as the path and that awareness takes the
form of pure presence. It is a
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you