The primordial state.
While the Western scientific traditions consider the hard problem of consciousness to be how to explain the subjective experience of
Reality doesn't exist.
The true nature of reality is beyond conception, description, or imagination.
Unraveling the hard problem of consciousness.
Consider the possibility that consciousness is not an emergent property of a physical reality, but an integral part of the nature of reality itself.
Inviting contemplative practice into the scientific process.
Where do we look to find good explanations for how consciousness fits into our understanding of the nature of reality?
What's stopping you?
Rather than endlessly planning for the retreat of a lifetime, why not consider a lifetime of retreats?
How are you showing up?
The Buddhist path is about answering a simple question through our lived experience: how are you showing up?
Figure and Ground
By shifting the focus to the ground rather than the display one can encounter how they are actually non-dual.
Phase change.
Phase changes are interesting. They are not necessarily intuitive when we are going through them though.
Consider a pot of
Learn the practice. Learn to share it.
Take the time and dedication to learn the practice inside and out. Sharing is an art form. Be generous.
Learn by doing.
Not everything can be taught, but everything can be learned.