Friday Contemplation
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Monkey trap.
Everyone knows how a monkey trap works.
Stick a banana or some enticing object into a jar or bottle with
The truth of suffering.
We see suffering as many things in our life.
We see it as heartbreak and loss. We experience it as
Carrying it on.
There is great purpose in carrying something.
We live in a world where much of what we do and are
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Where do I start?
Integrating your practice can be hard.
You try to be generous, patient and kind.
You try to sit with resistance
The blocked artist.
In Dzogchen your true nature is introduced as the primordially liberated state
of natural freedom. It can be hard to
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Tuesday Inner Circle
The Inner Circle [] is for fellow
travelers on the path who want to connect, share
The importance of regular retreats.
A retreat forms an integral part of the cycle of a practitioner's life. To
retreat means to step