Culture, art and ritual.
For much of the past, scripture was used to define the moral values of a
culture. A communities religious tradition
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
At home in the world.
The result of our practice is that we feel at home in the world.
In the beginning of our practice,
Freedom of identity.
We are all a multitude of identities,
and we are more than any one identity.
When was the last time
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Guided meditation: With an object.
Take your seat. Sit comfortably in the seven-point Vairocana posture
Relax your body, your breath,
Beginner's meditation advice.
To say that you meditate []
is like saying that you play sports, there are many
Friday Contemplation.
Grab your notebook and a pen, your coffee or tea. Take a seat outside, in your
room, or wherever you
Making friends with your mind.
How much does the weather dictate your day?
If it is cloudy out are you more grumpy? Do you wait
Applied philosophy.
> “Just as a goldsmith assays gold by rubbing, cutting and burning, so should you
examine my words. Do not