Prayer to Open the Secret Door to the Luminous Mansion of Timeless Awareness
Dzogchen prayer to recognize primordial buddhahood in the immediacy of our own awareness.
The Buddhist trust fall: Letting go with guru yoga
Exploring faith and trust in Dzogchen: How guru yoga helps us let go and recognize the nature of mind.
What is Dzogchen?
Dzogchen is a direct introduction to primordial buddhahood in the immediacy of our own awareness.
Inviting contemplative practice into the scientific process.
Where do we look to find good explanations for how consciousness fits into our understanding of the nature of reality?
Figure and Ground
By shifting the focus to the ground rather than the display one can encounter how they are actually non-dual.
From where you're standing, you can't see the view.
This is how the Dzogchen pointing out instruction works.
Be prepared. Be deliberate. Do the work.
May your true nature grow and flourish.
In the Mahayana Buddhist traditions there is a common dedication prayer that we say at the end of most practices
Pointing out your true nature.
Sitting here,
resting in the myriad display of appearances,
the unceasing luminosity of the ground
appears as the infinite play
Art of Awakening: Samantabhadra
Join us this Tuesday for the Art of Awakening
[] series, featuring Buddhist art,
symbolism and