Yes, and...

Improv comedy actors use a deceptively simple mantra when they are performing:
Yes, and...
No matter what comes us in the performance, they have to acknowledge the presence of that thing and work with it.
You cannot reject the present circumstances. You can't quit playing. You only have one choice: take the ball and run with it, however you choose.
In meditation we talk about resting in uncontrived, open presence. This presence takes the form of unconditional compassion, where we are open, available, and responsive. Learning to carry this presence into our daily life looks and feels a lot like improv.
In our daily life, we don't need to choose to encounter difficult circumstances. Reality meets you where you are. Our job is to try to bring open, available, and responsive presence into that world.
You are being called to participate in the play of life. The work is to be present, listen, and dance with whatever comes up.
No holding back. No uncertainty. No fear.
Yes, and...